
Spectacular Shops & Services 2! (5e)

Created by Anthony Woods

Please note, shipping is not included and will be billed before shipping. Previous rewards will be available to download when your order is locked, current campaign rewards will be available upon completion (target November 2024).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Collabs +New Art + More
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 02:14:29 PM

Hey everyone!

We are in what is traditionally called the mid-campaign slump, but we are doing our best to build a viaduct across the valley!

Ginny Di Collab

Ginny Di did a fun little video for us and it is currently making the rounds on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook! Head over to our Instagram to check it out, and give us a follow while you're there. It has already brought in a few backers, fingers crossed for more.

Marketing Partnership

We have partnered with Jellop/First Backer to bring the campaign to a new audience that our previous ads may not have been reaching. We are spreading the word to the best of our abilities to get more backers in here to unlock more stretch goals. You may see a message in your inbox asking how you heard about the campaign, and we would love it if you could help us out by answering if you do!

New Art!

We are wrapping up the main art pieces for the book, but we wanted to show off this nasty bugger from the macabre service known as the Murder Museum. This twisted entity is the result of a series of regeneration spells gone awry, but I won't spoil the rest!

Community Spotlight

We have a couple of really solid campaigns for you to check out today, starting with:

Nimble 5e: A Fast, Tactical, 5e Compatible, RPG

Your game nights are too precious to waste with slow or fiddly RPG rules. Slay the slog and empower your players and GM with more interesting choices, less waiting around, and have more fun playing epic stories.

Nimble is a fast, tactical, 5e compatible TTRPG that eliminates the slog using some of the best elements from the greatest RPGs around. At a time where more and more RPGs are taking a more rules heavy, granular approach (Pathfinder, the upcoming D&D 2024 books, the new DC20 project) Nimble is going the opposite direction. Less waiting, more freedom for creativity & teamwork, easier to run for the GM, easier to pick up for new players so we can grow this wonderful hobby of ours.

Nimble Features

  • Fast Attacks — Know instantly if you hit and how much damage you do.
  • Exploding Critical Hits — Retain the chaotic excitement of battle.
  • Teamwork & Tactics — Be rewarded for smart positioning, and clever teamwork.
  • Actively engage in combat — New reactions: Defend & Interpose.
  • Instant Initiative — No more clumsily polling the party, get right into combat.
  • Respect the Story — Keep role-playing through combat & new resting rules.
  • More Player Agency — Flexible action economy, strategic weapon system, & more.
  • Deep Yet Focused — Streamlined character sheets, easy to find what you need.
  • Overhauled Magic & Spell system — Easier to pick up, more freedom, more flavorful.
  • 5e compatible — Keep using your favorite adventure modules, monsters books, & supplements.
  • New Classes & Subclasses — Thematic mechanics, customizable, & super flavorful.
  • New Legendary Monster system — Easy to run for the GM across different party sizes.
  • EASY to Learn & Teach New Players — continue to grow the hobby by making it less intimidating to play and GM.

They are crushing it over on Backerkit, so you should definitely check it out!

Rise of the Eldertubbies

As dawn breaks the horizon and chanting echoes through the woods, the Eldertubbies rise from the shadows. Conceived in the dark corners of imagination by illustrator Jars, these eldritch beings have now been meticulously sculpted into reality by VoidRealm Minis in their first collaborative project.

From eldritch art to 3d modeling to reality, we are so excited to finally share over a year's worth of collaborative effort with you all. Whether you seek to simply display their forms, customize them with paint, or unleash them in your gaming adventures (we are including 5e compatible stats!), the Rise of the Eldertubbies Kickstarter campaign is ready for your support.

They are entering their final 48 hours, so check them out now before the campaign ends!


New Tier Added - Lets get to 2000 Backers!
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 01:00:55 PM

Hey everyone,

You may have noticed that we have just added a new tier to lower the barrier of entry to the project. This tier will include a PDF of any unlocked stretch goals, but not the main book, and will hopefully provide a tier that will encourage some of the folks who have been sitting on the fence to join the project and help us reach our backer-based stretch goals! More backers means we unlock vending machines and the bard subclass faster!

Since we will be making it anyway, we will also include the stretch goal PDF with all of the other tiers, in addition to them already being in the main book and PDF. With our higher-tier backers driving half the stretch goals and entry-tier backers driving the other, we have a better chance of unlocking them all.

As we get closer to unlocking the bard subclass we will have a vote on the name. We have narrowed it down to a few choices based on the flavour of the class, so stay tuned to the updates for a chance to cast your vote!

Also, since it is finally finished, here is the cover of the book featuring Red Eye Escape Rooms. We wanted it to contrast with the night-time cover of Spectacular Shops 1 and we think the artist nailed it. It feels like a different alley of the same town. What do you think?

Spectacular Shops & Services 2 by Dennis van Kessel
Spectacular Shops & Services by Dennis van Kessel

That's all for now, cheers!

Stretch Goal Unlocked: NPC Appendix!
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 08:23:12 AM

Heck yeah folks, we did it! We unlocked out first stretch goal! 

The NPC appendix will have 24 NPCs broken into a d6 table for each group - commoners, nobles, children and adventurers. In addition, we will add in a table of NPCs inspired by your ideas in the comments. Leave a comment with a suggestion! (Every idea may not make it in, and we reserve the right to tweak them as needed.)

Next Goal: 1000 Backers

Our next goal for vending machines is at 1000 Backers, which we should hit around $70k based on the average pledge. Want to get us there faster? Tell your friends to pledge to the campaign! Even if they only chip in for a buck on the "Our Eternal Thanks" tier or pick up a couple add-ons, everything helps!

Who Sent You!?

If this is your first GOTN campaign, how did you hear about us? If you're a returning backer, let the newbies (and us) know what you've enjoyed! 

We have reached out to a number of influencers and podcasts to extend our reach, so make sure you let us know if you saw an influencer post or heard an ad so we can thank them.

Community Spotlight

Anime 5E Beyonder Worlds – Realms Beyond Fantasy

Fellow Canadians and long-time creators Dyskami Publishing are back with a series of expansions for their Anime 5E system. Whether you are looking to start a new campaign, add an anime twist to your fantasy setting, or isekai some mech pilots and sentai rangers into the Forgotten Realms, Anime 5E has the tools you need!

In their words:

"Level-up your RPG adventures beyond traditional fantasy with Anime 5E's latest expansions, featuring Beyonder Worlds – Realms Beyond Fantasy.

Whether you’re fully embracing alternate game genres or integrating multiple settings with a traditional Fifth Edition fantasy world, Anime 5E Beyonder Worlds is your key to unlocking the vast, unlimited potential of the Anime 5E role-playing game. This expansion delves into the settings and conventions of five intriguing anime gaming genres: science fiction, mecha action, urban fantasy, gritty cyberpunk, and modern Earth.

Accompanying Beyonder Worlds are the second expansions of our monster lines for your Anime 5E games – Monstrum Libri Volume 2 hardcover book and Creature Cards Volume 2 accessory deck – that detail creatures from across the Challenge Rating spectrum primarily encountered in aquatic and desertic habitats.

BONUS! Enjoy FREE digital copies of all products with your physical reward tier pledge, plus gain exclusive early access!

Check out the exclusive Kickstarter preview on the campaign page then enrich your adventuring stories and broaden your character options with Beyonder Worlds – Realms Beyond Fantasy!"

Check it out here:

Blood, Rum & Thunder: A 5e D&D Campaign

"A voyage mad and dangerous enough for only the hardiest crew,  Blood, Rum & Thunder has you press-ganged into protecting a package of vital importance, and forced to deliver it all the way across the Allium Sea. Naval battles dominate the open waters, so the only hope is to negotiate the perils of the pirate-controlled archipelago known as the Thorns. Whether you were previously an honest sailor, a disgraced navy officer, or a wealthy smuggler, it matters not: you're all pirates now…

This sail-by-the skin-of-your-teeth campaign includes new and easy mechanics for fun naval combat, 12 new subclasses and 2 entirely new classes (the wavesinger and the corsair)! Players get their own physical or digital ‘player’s guide’, so they can immerse themselves as deeply in the lore of the Allium and its various factions as the GM! Introduce a little chaos with Pirate Legends that may help or hinder your progress as your GM sees fit!"

There’s so much to explore in Blood, Rum & Thunder so go check out the fully funded campaign at:



NPC Preview (Almost there!)
2 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 01:09:49 PM

Hey everyone,

We are keeping up a good pace so far and rapidly approaching our first stretch goal! To celebrate we've got a teaser for you from that stretch goal, the NPC from the already spoiled artwork.

His name is Laryn and he is a cunning thief. How would you implement him in your game? Would he be robbing a shop, sneaking into the party's room at the inn to make off with their loot, or would the players take him on as a hireling? With his potent pickpocketing prowess, he is certainly a furtive fellow!


Do you have an ideal spot for Laryn? Do you have any thief NPCs in your game? Let us know below!

Community Spotlight

CODEX ARCANA: Spell Creation System for 5e TTRPG's and more!

Introducing CODEX ARCANA: Spell Creation System for 5e TTRPG's and more!
Create your own spells with our unique magic creation system. Uncover a unique magic and spell creation system that fits existing spellcasting classes for use with 5th Edition and a range of other TTRPG systems.

Magical power and mystic secrets adhere to the laws of the Arcane. For those who understand them, nothing is beyond their reach… but coveted by even the greatest magical powers is the mystic grimoire known as the CODEX ARCANA!
Check us out here:

Zrabdos' Prisoner: a $1 One Shot for 5e

Zrabdos’ Prisoner is an already written $1 one shot that will have your party undertake a daring rescue mission!

Zrabdos is a nefarious wizard currently imprisoning a highly dangerous inventor, presumably to gain information about new weaponry combined with ancient magic so he can rise to power once more.

This one shot, meant for characters of level 5-7, comes with multiple hooks so it can be used either as a stand alone or plugged into your current homebrew or other TTRPG campaign. If that wasn't enough, it also has multiple endings based on how the one shot is played!

Zrabdos' Prisoner boasts several new monsters, an all-new mini game, and even comes with scaled-up versions of the monsters in case you want to try with higher level characters. The adventure itself is already written and finished play testing, meaning it will be delivered about 2 weeks after the project ends!

Onwards and upwards!


Halfway to Our First Backer Goal!
2 months ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 11:08:59 AM

Hey Everyone!

Thanks to your continued support, we are creeping ever closer to our NPC stretch goal. Don't forget to check the previous update and add your ideas to the pool if you haven't already, it is a great way to inspire other backers and it might just become an NPC in the book!

Backer Stretch Goal - Vending Machines!

We have just crossed the 500 backer mark so that means we are halfway to unlocking vending machines! They are the perfect way to add some humour and utility to an otherwise uninteresting location. Like the random vending machines all over japan, or the overpriced apple product dispensers at the airport, you never know where they will pop up! Some of our ideas include a "Sending Machine" (essentially a magical phone booth), a Zoltar-style fortune telling machine (a la the augury spell), an ender-chest-style machine where you can deposit items and access them from any other machine, a classic magic item machine where the items are not stored within but teleported to you upon purchase (pictured below), and more that we won't spoil yet. We have been having so much fun with it that we may even include more than 5 machines... 😉

Share your Ideas!

Have a great idea for a vending machine? Let us know in the comments! In addition to inspiring other DMs, it might just end up in the book. As with all suggestions, we make no guarantees that we will use them in the final book, and if we do they will likely be modified, but we want to hear from you either way! 

A magic item machine that teleports items to you once purchased, by Angelo Adonis Chavez

Community Spotlight

We typically feature other campaigns that are live right now in our updates. Exchanging shout-outs brings new backers to our campaign and helps us reach our stretch goals faster, which is good for everyone!

Fair warning that while we have intentionally abstained from the use of AI in Spectacular Shops 2, some of the campaigns that we will feature do use it. You can see whether a campaign is using AI by scrolling to the bottom of the campaign page and looking for "Use of AI".

 Fantasy Cartography Vol. 2: 100+ Maps for TTRPGs

"The new set maps pack: Fantasy Cartography Vol. 2 from Planarink Editions, is there and more creators are involved in the creations of the maps this time. The previous pack was a huge success, bringing some high-quality maps close to 1 cent for the ones who pledge on day 1!

This collaborative project comes with a fun concept of including a new map to the set every 10 backers. The volume 1 got 469 backers, let’s see how far this one can go!!

— Free maps to claim — On top of the project, you can already go to their page and claim plenty of free maps, so even if you didn’t plan to upgrade your map collection with hundreds of maps, you can already get some of them for free!

So if you want to complete your set of maps, or simply get tons of free maps by following the campaign, you're welcome to join the project."


Storming the Pirate Stronghold for DnD 5e

"Storming the Pirate Stronghold for DnD 5e is an adventure designed to provide 4.5-6 hours of engaging gameplay. It is easy to run with minimal preparation and includes three high-detailed maps (available with and without grids, in 4k resolution). While tailored for level 6 players, it can be easily scaled up or down to accommodate different party levels.

The party receives an urgent invitation from a well-respected noble. Upon meeting him, the noble explains his dire need for the party to retrieve a stolen heirloom and rescue abducted individuals, both victims of a ruthless pirate attack. He reveals critical information about the pirate stronghold, home to the newly emerged and powerful band of pirates known as the "Bloody Fiends."

Accepting this quest will plunge the players into intense combat scenarios both on land and at sea. Their strategic choices will directly influence the difficulty of the encounters, making careful planning essential for success."

