
Spectacular Shops & Services 2! (5e)

Created by Anthony Woods

Please note, shipping is not included and will be billed before shipping. Previous rewards will be available to download when your order is locked, current campaign rewards will be available upon completion (target November 2024).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Inbound!
21 days ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 01:18:05 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Thanks Everyone!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 07:38:53 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

100k Stretch Goal? Make a Persuasion Check...
about 1 month ago – Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 12:26:12 PM

Hey Everyone!

We are so thankful for the support so far in the campaign! Looks like we might not make the 100k stretch goal, whatever will we do?

GM: Hmm, make a Persuasion check.

You: Okie dokie... NATURAL 20 plus 10 is 30!

GM: Welp, ok then!


It's amazing what a good persuasion check will do! Whether we hit 100k or not, we will be including three customizable businesses with random roll tables to build yourself something on the fly!


about 2 months ago – Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 09:17:21 AM

Hey everyone,

There is one week left in the campaign and we have just unlocked another stretch goal!

Vending Machines Are Unlocked!

We have officially unlocked the long-awaited vending machines! We have settled on 10 original designs, plus we will include a few machines based on your suggestions, so get in the comments and let us know your ideas!

Bonus Stretch Goal Unlock!?

One of the first stretch goals we started working on was the bard subclass so we would have time to play with it for a bit, so it is already complete! Given the campaigns momentum it doesn't look like we will hit 2000 backers, so we have decided to include it in the book anyway as a thank you to everyone who has stuck with us! We are still on pace to make it to the 100k stretch goal so let's forge ahead!

Community Spotlight

There are less than 48 hours left to check out this Victorian-inspired 5e setting from the award-winning team at Cubicle 7:

Victoriana for 5th Edition

Cubicle 7 Entertainment’s award-winning Victoriana comes to 5e, and there are only a few days left to back it!

It is 1887 - the year of Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee - a time of opportunity, revolution, and magic. Fantastical folk and strange creatures walk the streets while Wyvern-riders and commercial aerostats dot the skies. Magic and science coalesce in magnificent technological advancements. Old social orders creak under the strain as the balances of power move. The world is in upheaval, change is coming, and everyone will have to choose a side.

At the heart of the setting are the Irregulars, called by purpose, compassion or duty to steer a course through the turmoil and guide the world to a better future. Coming from all walks of life, they are prepared to stand and be counted, to do what needs to be done. Tracking down a ruthless killer in the rookeries of Whitechapel, overthrowing greedy bourgeois captains of industry in Bermondsey, or throwing a wrench in the plans of desperate nobles attempting to summon evil gods in Kensington Gardens - Irregulars will be found where they are most needed.

Victoriana for 5th Edition brings this award-winning setting to the world's most popular roleplaying game for the first time. 

The Kickstarter contains:

  • The Victoriana Corebook in splendid standard and gorgeous collector's editions. Containing elegant Victoriana rules to compliment 5e, a Victoriana Lifepath system to discover your character,  and a guide to London and the mysteries of Victoriana.
  • The Victoriana Menagerie brings together a collection of mundane and magical creatures who populate London’s buildings, streets, and sewers. It includes information on each creature’s place in London, advice on how to use them in your game, and adventure hooks. 
  • Dreadful Inquiries bring players on five intertwining adventures, pitting them against the mysterious Pyrophonic League, a secret society determined to force the world into uncompromising Order at any cost.


Halfway There!
about 2 months ago – Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 01:32:05 PM

Hey folks,

We are now halfway through the campaign, and things are rolling along nicely. We have just about unlocked the vending machines, and are on pace for the bard subclass!

Since the campaign could use a bit of pep, how about a coffee elemental? This little squirt is named Brew, and they help out at Copperkettle's Coffees!

Community Spotlight

Murders at Lorelahc Manor: 5e Mysteries at the Masquerade

You've Never been to a Masquerade like this

Help the duke's ghost find his head—and his killer—in Murders at Lorelahc Manor!

This book contains an adjustable mystery campaign and setting for four player characters with an average party level of 3, 5, or 7. An average playthrough is 5–8 3–hour sessions (15–24 hours), with suggestions for expanding the campaign further.

Treat your players to a lavish underground ball with this 100-page setting and campaign. The book includes over 40 pieces of custom human-made art, over 50 keyed locations, 20+ fully illustrated NPCs, two never-before-seen murder weapons, monsters, items, and even a bonus prologue murder mystery with a time travel twist.

Recommended for fans of Clue, Knives Out, and Agatha Christie novels

Join the campaign between July 28th to August 27th for a 20% discount on retail pricing!

Pledge here:


A Catalogue of Conditions

Re-energise your combat to make it more exciting, more dynamic and more challenging! Bring your environments more depth, with new hazards that even your seasoned players won’t see coming! Inject the magic of your world with a bit more life, and with more consequence!

A Catalogue of Conditions is a PDF containing

  • A roll table for new and exciting critical hit effects for every damage type
  • A list of unique diseases both mundane and magical to deepen your environments and add more than just an extra enemy to face by bee-lining through the dead man’s bog! 
  • New mechanics to bring magic to life, adding magical mutations! 

Magic has never been so exciting! You can now incorporate magical mutations (some for every school of magic) when spells go either really right, or really wrong! These are not based on spell attacks like the critical damage tables, and can affect both the recipient and the caster. 

Have your players cause enemies to suffer atrophy! Have them hallucinate in the Fey forest as they battle with the fatal 'faerie fever'! Did that Imp just climb out of their BODY?! If they got a portal pox mutation, then yes. It did! 

Get the PDF and all the stretch goals for just £1

Don’t forget to check out the other catalogues in the series too! Complete the collection with a boat load of curses, consumables and curios! These supplements will be enhancing your games for years to come!

